
📕 90-second read 📕


During a meeting last week, I was pontificating about how our client burns bridges in the recruiting process – and how they waste the sawdust of this process.

Let me clarify with some context:

Scenario #1

1,000 people apply for a sales job. 999 lose and are sent a canned, human-less email saying (essentially): do not pass go or collect $200.

But… what if the winner hadn’t applied?!

The person who almost got the job might have been quite the employee (because the interview process is flawed, and doesn’t measure how you will perform; more like how you interview).

Scenario #2

24,000 people apply to the best college in the world: The University of Southern California.

But… only 11% get in; while at least 33% of them were good enough, just not lucky enough.

What happens to their story?

Businesses & organizations need to get better about communicating with the people who weren’t lucky enough.

Remember, whether it’s a candidate looking for a job or a student looking for acceptance at a prestigious University, they’re also people (customers, brand advocates, haters, etc.).

Treat them with empathy.

Go get em’,

Mark Ryan


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