Who's Mark Ryan?
Mark Ryan, Chief Dude In Charge @ The Mahalo Agency
I notice things for a living. My business cards & email signature claim I’m the Chief Dude In Charge at a marketing agency, and many of my clients refer to me as their “Outsourced Chief Brand/Social Officer.”
But when you get right down to it, I’m much more — I’m a tie & suit-loathing, culture-hacking marketing heretic. I’m an entrepreneur, a creative mind, a social media strategist, and most of all an animal & nature lover (ask me anything about Bears, Wolves, the Sierra Nevada’s, Redwoods, Aspens, and Yosemite, seriously).
I’m also a big believer in the power of branding and where IQ meets EQ.
I believe that we don’t buy products or services. We don’t make decisions based on features & benefits. We make decisions based on emotion, “gut feel”, and stories.
And so I teach people & companies how to create that reaction – by communicating their brands in memorable, engaging, and personable ways, so that they will attract the right audiences and move them toward their core goals.
I’m not afraid to tell it like it is and will help you or your organization market in the year we actually live in.
Learn more about my experience and work on LinkedIn – and hey, drop me a DM and say aloha!
Directly in your inbox every week.

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