Are You Marketing?

3 Minute Read.

✔️If you’re trying to recruit people for your shitty sales job, you’re marketing.

✔️If you’re looking for votes at the city council meeting…

Time & Convenience.

Alexa, Amazon, Uber, GrubHub… what do they all sell? Time. They save us time and make is convenient. 

Make It Public (some of it).

If it’s built to show, it’s built to grow (think Apple, Nike, Starbucks, Livestrong – hell, even Pickleball!)

Ever wonder why the Apple logo on your laptop doesn’t face you?

The Hypocritical Marketer 

This 💩 really intrigues me. It baffles me that such smart people do such dumb shit in business. 
Why do “we” (not me) market & communicate to people the way we hate being marketed & communicated to?
True story – peep this:

Just a Logo.

Every now and then I get someone asking for my opinion on a logo – and EVERY time I say the same thing: Focus on the brand, not the logo.

Fermented Marketing

Captain James Cook is most known as an avid navigator of boats, but in a book I’m reading (well, listening to on audible), it seems as though he was quite the marketer…

New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

⌛️ 2 Minute Read.

So, it’s about that time of year where the majority of us write down our New Year’s resolutions, get all excited, post hackneyed quotes, go to the gym the first 2 weeks of January, and slowly forget about all that hype – oh boy…